Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I dunno, I really dont.

Albert in the midst of a dull one-way conversation with Bernoulli, Pascal and Archimedes who were being very dogmatic in forcing loads of principles, laws and unit conversions down his throat(physics exam tomorrow) when his mom rudely interrupted: "Have you decided what you want to do?"

There is always a staple answer for these seemingly rhetorical questions. Being a teenager, " I dunno" is a convenient reply to everything. ie, "Have you eaten?" "I dunno." "How do you feel" " I dunno." , "what happened to your extensive vocab" " I dunno." and such. Each well timed exactly 2 seconds after the question is asked, and all similarly monotoneous.

Soo what did he reply? " I dunno." "Well figure it out." her short retort came back.

He did try to ignore the question, but then looking at the physics conference he was about to retreat to, he figured a little detour wouldnt hurt. So he exited the imaginary room, walked past Bio, and Chem rooms and down the corridor, and exited thru an imaginary door that said "Study". He went down the well lit imaginary hall, took a right and stood in front of a door that his imagination rarely traveled to. The door creaked as he opened it, held the detached door knob in his hand( he tried to be gentle) and shut it behind him. It was a musty and old place. He waded thru cobwebs. Turned on the light. Here he was, in room "Ambition", located on the right of his brain.

He then started to sift thru old files.

3 years old. Wanted to be a garbage collector. Because he could then hang onto the side of the truck as it gobbled up tons of trash. Didnt know what body odour was then, now he does, soo he'll pass on this one.

5 years old. Wanted to be a construction worker. Because they built big, real buildings, and he could only build with Lego. He was fair then, skin colour and sun burns didnt matter to him. Now he's dark and it matters to him. Pass.

10 years old. Wanted to be a doctor. Because mom brainwashed him to do soo. He didnt know then he had to at least like bio or do well in it. P-A-S-S!!

12 years old. Dear old friend, Evelyn Toh Kheng Liong, of the same age, wanted to be a psychiatrist. Had too much foresight for her age, so naturally she was teased alot. Albert considered it, but not seriously until now. Possible.

14 years old. Wanted to be a cook. That was before the amount of culinary faux pas that was really an understatement to the kind of disasters he cooked up in the kitchen when he was an incompetent cook. A much better cook now, but he doesnt like constantly being exploited to cook for the family. A possiblity, although its pretty much wishful thinking to dream to be a high paid chef, those in hotels and all. Not much career wise. Pass.

16 years old-Wants to be a writer. He hasnt experianced much to dismiss that ambition. But looking at the history of his ambitions, it will eventually probably be dismissed. Being the optimistic person he thinks he is, lets just see how long this will last. Cons? Maybe not a very high paying job. But that's relative, cause if he were working with any leading British newspaper as a sports journalist, he would fancy his chances of watching football games live for free. Well someone has to cover the match right? So its not all about the money. Regardless its a very bright prospect. Nothing definate though.

Exits musty, depressing room through secret door leading straight to physics room.(its his imagination, he can have secret doors leading to anywhere he wants) Finds Bernoulli in a heated discussion.

"Why is it Archimedes' principle instead of Archimede's principle? Its Pascal's principle isnt it?" "Good point my good man," replied Pascal. "ahh, the english expert is here, Albert, lets ask him," suggested Archimedes.

" Your all supposed to be dead and neither of you actually speak english, your're a figment of my imagination, and your're suppose to help me with physics, soo do you think I really care-" Albert was cut off by his mom,

" So, have you decided"

She looked like she actually expected Albert to figure out what he wanted to do with his life in the 2 minutes that she left him after posing the question. What did he say?-

1 second




2 seconds




" I dunno"

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