Friday, January 05, 2007


You know, the last few days of a year, after Christmas festivities and before the New Year havoc, is simply perfect for just staying idle, doing absolutely nothing. In this sort of mood, he would just reflect on the past year, being in a state of sentimental reminiscencing. So on that note let us give our mouse scrollers a good workout, and skew our delicate eyeballs with over excessive exposures to a plethora of screen glares. Enjoy.

The 2006 started of for Albert on a relatively good note, barring his parents' repeated attempts to enroll him into Catholic High, which is a VERY bad thing, just ask Hema. Fresh from a 7A PMR result, somewhat restored a bit more credibility to himslef. But that in no way prepared him for Add Math. All the horror stories which seemed then slightly exaggerated now did not even put paid to the terror of Add Math.

And then there was his 1st trip to MacDonalds. He was 16. Dont ask. Him and his classmates were audaciously attempting to paint his beloved class 4 sn 1. They managed the painting part. But the cleaning part, was more of a lets-see-how-much-we-can-flood-the-school-before-we-get-in-trouble sorta thing. By "we", he means "them". Although he didnt want to get involved, he inevitably got wet in a girls-gone-wild/wet fest; much to his delight(soaking women are never a bad thing). Soaking wet, they all went to Mc D. "Ba-da-pa-pa-pa, he's lovin it."

The next memorable event.....lets see.........Hari Keusahawanan. He had an "apparantly" simple task, he says apparantly here because the task wasnt as simple as he thought it was. Pearls. Those damn pearls. The Bloody Curse of the Black Pearl. Starring Albert Kamahlendra, Goh Boon Han, and cute harmless little black bubble tea pearls. To make a painfully long story short, Boon Han shirked his responsibility of helping Albert make the pearls(even when the shopkeeper explicitly told them both that it required TWO pairs of hands) and therefore leaving Albert to handle everything in a 6 am mad rush resulting in stubburn pearls that refuse to seperate like bloody balanced electrons(huh?). So yeah, it was Boon Han's fault. Mostly.

And then there was the world cup. It is sad when, the world cup became a showcase of defensive football instead of attacking. But Germany were undoubtedly Albert's favourite. But of course, he was, like any other pathetic England fan. Crouch as striker. That is a joke. Theo more than deserved a chance. And Italy should NOT have won. But hey, Australia wouldnt have gone far if even if they beat Italy like they shouldve. But he did predict that Ronaldinho wouldnt do well in the world cup. Honestly, Brazil were a mess. Happy to see them in a mess.

Next up, Albert's blogging renaissance. Ever since his disastrous attempt at blogging in a 1st person perspective, full of spelling mistakes, and desperately lacking of wit, he gave up on it all together. So he relieved himself of all blogging duties, and delegated it to his alternate personality(yours truly). His 1st major break, "Winds of Change, Fast, Furious and Swift Indeed" received the kind of inspiring feedback as follows:

"hahahahahhahah!!!!man, the story of my life!!! dude, u got one funny blog!!!!!! haha, this right here could be book award winning stuff!!! ahahhahaha, peace man, peace!!!!! you really lifted my day bro, real good shit here!!!! such a drama queen dei!!! hahahahaha, peace........." -Gavin.

Ignore the profanity. But really, Gavin here was the guy that made it all worthwhile. He loves Gavin. And his biceps.

There you have it, 3 highlights of his year(admitedly, he skimped on some details). Now, for the awards & accolades.

BEST SONG OF THE YEAR: "i write sins not tragedies" Although their songs and their song titles have to co-relation whatsoever, they are still very much, a welcome breath of fresh air.

BEST TV SHOW: "Lost" and "Jack & Bobby". Due to indecisiveness, they both shall be nominated. Lost was at the beginning of the season weavering in their plot, it seemed to be going nowhere, but simply was saved by a masterly stroke of brilliance to turn the tables on John "it is your destiny" Locke and Dr "tortured conscience" Jack to put Sawyer in control at the island. He loves Sawyer. "Jack & Bobby" too is quite ingenious by taking us into the lives of the future president and his family in his teens. Engaging characters, intelligent plot, and most of all, a witty script that treats its audience like proper intellectuals. Who wouldnt love it? Lost edges this one.

A moment of silence as we pay our respects to a great tv show that has gone rotten, "Alias". A pregnant double agent doesnt go down well with most people.

BEST BOOK: " The Importance of Living" by Lin Yu Tang. This book was unearthed by Albert a few weeks ago. It was 1st published in 1937. It was his grandfather's book. This book, is on the philosophy of this chinese dude, who probably is already dead. It covers everything from Sex Appeal to The Art of Sitting to Flower Arrangements. Everything you would want to know about life is in this ancient text. Lin Yu Tang, is akin to the proverbial wise man on the mountain, hes got more answers than Google. (It is an English book,in case youre wondering.)

PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR: SuPeRsTaR aka Mansi. There is an entire tribute to her in one of Albert's previous postings. This girl is a revelation to MSN messaging. She is intelligent, witty, and Albert's current personality of the year. For proof, refer to his Shoutout on friendster and the posting "whats that he hears".

PERSON OF THE YEAR: Azhar. Undoubtedly, the greatest guy Albert has come to befriend. He is still sorely missed back at school, but he has now moved on to better things at some fancy boarding school. An ardent Manutd fan, he is the only football-punditing adversary that Albert can indulge in proper footballing debates in defending their respective supported football clubs, appart from "talk to the hand" moments. Sarcastic, acidic humour, delightfully witty, and especially endearing when he blushes, Albert still stands firm in his belief that if Azhar were a girl, he'd fall in love with him/her. Gosh, that must be awkward.

Ahem, moving on swiftly now, (if your eyes can still endure the visual abuse) lets us begin on resolutions.

1. Losing another 5 kgs. Well, last year he lost 5kgs, and even went down 3 dress sizes, so it shouldnt be as difficult as it seems.

2. Making Gavin jealous of Albert's arms.

3. Reastablishing his credibility through yet another brain draining exam. The biggie, SPM.

4. Figuring out exactly what he wants to do with his life.

5. Improving his spelling.

6. Learning how to reload a phone(he only just got a phone, so give him a break).

7. Keeping in touch with all his schoolmates, they are far too precious to let slip.

8. Not having a nervous breakdown when school inevitably ends.

9. Not cutting his hair until the year is over.

And last and probably the least,

10. Finishing Pn. Han's Add Math project, which is 2 months overdue.

And this time, he is definately going to fulfill all his New Year resolutions, except maybe, the last one.

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