Saturday, February 03, 2007

Shit Happens

Since this is one of those rare occasions where Albert does not have anything in specific to write about, he will simply just write about this week.

Well, the week was a pretty ordinary one, with the only thing that happened(or didnt happen), was the Tim-Wen Temporary Cold War. As most of you should know, they're coupling(this is NOT a newsflash, in case you start "duh-ing" Albert). Don't ask how, but what went around was that it was a petty thing. Although at first it was a breath of fresh air, since they tend to annoy with their flirty playfulness in class. But eventually it became a bit sad though. Always thought that they would end up with little Timothys and Wei Wens.

But all's well in 17 land. They patched up before Wen's B-day dinner on Friday. Yup, they totally went back to feeling each other's cellular mitosis on a sofa watching MTV. For the dinner they went to celebrate Wen's b-day at this place called Salmon & Steak( not very creative, but they get brownie points for being straight forward).

Nothing interesting happened there, except Tess' open condemnation of using big words among friends. "Oxymoron" to be specific. Apparently Timothy was guilty of that. Well, in Albert's opinion, he appreciates it when someone tries, even in the face of public ostracization, to use big words. Unless its something pretentious like "ludicrous" or "preposterous" in the place of your good old "bullshit". But thats just his opinion.

Remember when he said that this week was ordinary? Well that was until his bike got stolen. Yeah, bummer. No hard feelings toward that bugger, he just sincerely hopes that the thief had like 10 mouths to feed or something, so it can be sort of considered as charity. If not Albert hopes he gets run over. Peace.

Then of course, there was the case of Boon not being invited to John's B-day party. He was pretty crushed. He actually went like: " I dont know who my REAL friends are......I think only you and Jun Kit la..."

This moment was not too dissimilar to when it was announced back in form 3 that JT and Albert were Best Friends 2005. "Why Me?!"

Yeah, if you want a logical explanation for all the events that happened including why people just attach themselves to Albert, and why his bike got stolen, and the other mysteries of the universe, just refer back to the title.

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