Friday, February 16, 2007

That Machiavelli's the way to go!

Your're probably wondering if there is any correlation whatsoever between the title and the ensuing content, but if History was never your thing, your probably wondering who the heck Machiavelli is too. Niccolo Machivelli was a renaissance figure whose most famous piece of literary work is the book The Prince, where he expounded on his 2 philosophies which were basically the ends justify the means and its better to be feared than to be loved. Still wondering how it relates to today's post? Well I dont see you complaining about Panic! At the disco and Iwritesinsnottragedies so just ignore the seemingly unrelated title and read on.

Well since Monday was pretty much negligible, we shall start on Tuesday. It was the beginning of Albert, Shereena, Tess and Suhaib's participation in the Wira Cup. The debate competition. Shereena was in a prefect uniform, blazer and all, and boy, she looked hot in the short and tight skirt and small blouse. Its like how a nurse's uniform becomes all sexy in a male fantasy when in fact it really isnt, thats how she transformed the school prefect uniform into something Pn Rohaidah and Pn Chong certainly did not appreciate(what?! He drained his brain with intense intellectual activity prior to the big debate alright, he needs to destress, even if it means indulging in typical male Neanderthal ogling).

They had prepared for 2 topics for 2 rounds, but it seemed that only Albert and Suhaib actually believed that they would make it that far. Their 1st opponent was from USJ 8. They wernt that good. With a couple of people from Albert's class watching, they simply disposed of their opponents. They pretty much did the same to USJ 13. Save for Tessrina's slightly comical presentation, they were pretty solid. Well, they in this context, excludes Albert. He didnt speak. He was reserve you see. And he doesnt really mind it. Really. Except for the fact that people never wish him luck, or congratulate him when his team wins. But you know, its all worth it when before the quarantine period, they call for the team leaders to pick a side(as in affirmative or negative) with a coin toss. And when they asked his team who was their leader, in one unanimous breath, they went : "Albert!" Yeah, this is when its all worth it. Its quite a quantum leap, from having absolutely no experience whatsoever in debating, and being on the team just because of a favour instead of meriting his place, to being Team Leader. But no sweat, he will have to do some talking when they take part in the Taylors Debate. After Pn Loges' sincerest congrats, she cautioned Shereena that she will have to change her skirt come the next round. To which Sher nodded almost convincingly. Almost. When Sher was sure that Pn Loges was well out of earshot, she dismissed it saying: "X'x xxx xxx xxxxxx xx xxxxx!"

Wednesday. February 14. Valentines day. Well, here we should all salute Amritha who took on the role of Cupid and busted whatever was left of her miniature derriere over the whole Interact-flower-selling charade. So did a couple of other board members. Albert was tasked with the relatively simple job of picking up muffins. Well school was on as usual, with many interruptions with people bearing gifts only for those who were desirable enough to be showered with Valentines stuff. Like Mee Pei and Shereena. While the rest of the world with not-so-nicely-arranged facial bones could only look. Its a tough world out there. Of course, Manishya, even if she was in college now, still was the most impressive of them all. The things guys would do for her. Its no wonder some people want to rearrage their facial bones(incidentally, Manishya is aiming to be a plastic surgeon).

Thursday. Taylors debate workshop. Before they left for Taylors, Pn Loges again reminded Sher to find another skirt. To which, Sher in all her impeccable timing, ejaculated: "X'x xxx xxx xxxxxx xx xxxxx!" Of course, outside Pn Loges' earshot. Its so nice to use ejaculate like this. The workshop was quite enlightening, if yours truly may do away with the euphemisms. It was basically a debating for dummies kinda thing. Just a reminder of all the stuff you usually take for granted. Picked up on some interesting tactics too. He saw a guy in a kilt debate. He also met Trishantinee(read seniors party) there. She didnt like him. Also met Jasmine, the sister of an old church friend. Sara too, from tuition. And he actually thought had no social life. Compared to Shereena, who only seemed to know Carishma, and Suhaib, who didnt know anyone, and Tess, who only knew Rajan's brother there, he would like to think that his network of friends were just a tad more intellectual than his fellow debaters. Of course, later he found out, that some seriously unpleasant shit happened in school. Big-mouth Boon had to go all rhetorical and ask Pn Saro M( who was in a sociable mood during Sej): "Teacher, do you know who Albert likes?" Yes Boon, Albert likes you. And he likes to kick your tight little ass for asking rhetorical questions about his social life. To which Pn Saro claimed to be all-knowing. Apparantly( this time its purposely mispelled), she reads friendster profiles, which give her access to the social circle of her students. Which may mean that she reads Albert's blogs. She could be reading it at this very moment. Well, Pn Saro, if you are reading this, you need to know that Albert has absolutely no romantic interests whatsoever with your daughter, they are just friends( not like he has a chance anyway).

Friday was Merentas Desa. Well, good to know that Albert went through that hell for the last time. After which, he went home and prepared for tuition. Like a bloody idiot. When he did get there, he was informed that tuition was postponed because everybody else wanted to go watch a movie. Awww...... They could do that every Friday if they wanted to, but at least give Albert a heads up. Is that soo effing hard? Anyway, he killed 2 hours by figuring out the arguments for the topic for the final in which SS17 will go against the winners of the SU-Seafield debate. The topic is " Modern inventions have stifled man's resourceful nature". Super lame topic. But, they cant do much about it, just have to make do with what they've got. Either way Albert can smell victory baby! 2 years being runners up, its gonna be third time lucky for SMKSS17 if anything at all. Especially since he's in the team. After that, he had a nice little chat with Manishya who helped him kill another hour before heading for Mr Suresh's tuition. Its probably good to know that he didnt get temporarily kidnapped because he looked like a criminal this time.

Well thats it. Well, you probably want to know what exactly Shereena said, since it was all X-ed out. Whether or not you want him to connect it to a renaissance figure or not he doesnt know, but he'll try.

Lets just say that Shereena's 2 philosophies are, the ends justify the seams of her skirt which arent equilaterally distanced BELOW her knee, whereby as long as they kick ass in debate, she can dress as she likes. And also, its better to be envied than to be loved. Very typical her. Here's proof, her exact words which were X-ed out:

" Im soo not changing my skirt!"

And thank God for that.

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