Sunday, February 11, 2007


You know, have you ever wondered, with all those exciting things happening around you, like that Parade robbery( where is Albert when all these cool things happen), why it doesnt happen to( or around) you? Well, logically it should right? There are enough of it to go around you know, like kidnappings, being held at gun point, being arrested for looking like a criminal, you know, stuff like that. Well, all of it happened to Albert in one day.

The following may not be even remotely believable, but you believe this alternate-blog-personality, and you mark these pixelated words, you soo arent being fooled around with. Hold your breath people, and start scrolling.

Well, on Friday, after Betty's Physics tuition, Albert was walking to Mr Suresh's place near Sri KL. Now, what happened next was in a residential area. As he was walking, he didnt take particular notice of this sporty, modified, blue wira. But had to look eventually, when an Indian dude with a post-Thaipusam head(bold) came out of the car and gestured to him in Tamil. Another case of a misdirected brother from another mother wanting some directions in Tamil thought Albert as he sauntered up to him already thinking how to look really dumb when that Indian dude eventually asked Albert for directions. He spoke gibberish as he showed Albert a namecard with his finger loosely encircling an address below a printed name. Albert had long perfected what he did next, he just shook his head and just went "taktau" and hoped the brother from another mother would take the hint and not bug him some more in Tamil. But no. The Indian dude took a good look at Albert, and with conviction in his eyes, the Indian dude made a decision.

Barely moments later, Albert had his shirt forcefully tugged by this Indian dude over to the passenger seat of his blue wira. Albert's legs betrayed him as he followed the man over to the other side in bewilderment. The man was tense and slightly nervous as his eyes glanced the street and spoke to Albert in a hoarse whisper: " Get in the car, now!"

The car door was already open by now, and the man was even more tense and hurried. He repeated his words, but in a more threatening manner, and still Albert refused, hoping he could buy time untill someone doing their daily jogging would just by chance come by, but strangely, no one came. But with every passing second, the Indian man could not risk being seen, and with a resolute threat, he looked dead in Albert's eyes, slipped his hands behind his back, and announced that he had a gun.

Bullshit, Albert thought. He was sure he did not see a gun when the man had his back to him moments ago. Then again, he couldnt be sure. Strangely, Albert actually had time to think. There was no adrenaline pumping through his veins, his abdomen did not contract, he did not hyperventilate, all the tell-tale signs of fear. The man sensed this, that man also realised that he was shorter that Albert, and smaller in build, and all he could threaten Albert with was a hypothetical firearm. Albert considered hitting the man and making a run for it. Unfortunately, the man thought of it first.

With a swift movement of his hand, Albert's head throbbed, and he realised that he was on the receiving end. He moved backwards, and ended up in the car seat, and barely heard the car door slam admist the throbbing of his head. The man was already on his right, started the car, and the world started to move backwards from the windscreen. All this happened in barely a minute.

"Who are you?"

" Albert. Im a student. Im 17"

" Where do you live?"

" Sunway."

" Just tell me the truth."


"Dont lie!"

" Im not! Look, my IC!"

He passed it to him, and thanked his lucky stars that he brought it today. The man took his eyes from the road for a couple of moments, and looked at Albert's chubby face embeded in the IC next to his particulars. He face hardened and looked at the road again. Disbelievingly, he took a second look, and passed it back to Albert. He hid his embarassment and disbelief very well, and took on a matter-of-factly tone.

" I am sorry. Im a policeman. Im looking for Kumar. He looks like you, you know. Exactly like you."


" He stole money from KDU, and Im looking for him. Thats why I-"

" You hit me-"

" Yalah, I asked you to get in the car, you also didnt get in, I got frustrated la!"

They both were in disbelief. It was a tad awkward.

" Im sorry, but you look like him.

He made eye contact again, maybe just to be sure.

" Exactly like him"

"Then the name card?"

" I needed a closer look at you."

He pulled over a couple meters from where he thought he caught "Kumar".

" This is where you where right? Im sorry-"

" Yeah, its ok."

Albert closed the door. It sounded familiar. As the car drove away, Albert made a mental note of the license plate number.

He was slightly annoyed that he was going to be a little late for Mr Suresh's class, but as he quickened his footsteps, he consoled himself-

" This is soo going into my blog!"

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