Sunday, January 21, 2007

" I'm bach!!"

Albert thinks it is necessary to point out that " Im bach" is NOT a spelling mistake. In fact, he was trying to imitate the immortal phrase of a time travelling cybernetic organism who now is the Governor of California. "Terminator" .

Now for the serious stuff. He feels compelled to apologise to his legions of loyal followers of not updating his blog. He really wasnt trying to starve your intellects to death. He was simply caught up penning his greatest piece of literature(script) for the inter-school drama. What? Yeah, he still is in SS17. That brings us to the second issue at hand.

Apparantly, Albert managed to persuade his mom to let him stay at SS17. Of course there is more to it than that. Albert has his own conspiracy theories as to why he managed the seemingly impossible feat. But there is no need to share that here. I'm sure you arent all that interested anyway.......(evil laugh).

So. It has been an eventful couple of weeks. And he has to say, school has become more beautiful ever since it was soo cruelly wrenched from his hands. But he's back. Oops, he means "bach". And everything is falling so beautifully in place now. He was asked to MC the school's 1st official Prefect Installation day! How cool is that? He'll be part of history. Also, because of a Sweet Darling, he is in the debate team now. Whoa, yeah he knows. DEBATE TEAM!! The Sweet Darling would prefer that he doesnt mention her, so he wont. Also, Sweet Darling, you have climbed from number 5 to number 1 now, just thought you'd like to know. Huh? Its none of you business everyone else, lets move on.

He also joined the Editorial Board. And he thought he would get the reporter job. But he went one better. He ended up being the Head of English. Whoa!! That means any piece of English literature has to go through him 1st. *high 5*

And then he was tasked with the task of writing the script for this year's inter-drama. And since last year's was a disaster, you would expect that all he had to do was go one better. But no. He's pretty sure he's blown it outta park baby! He actually thinks the school can win it this time!! Again, being part of history. But unfortunately, he cant put it up here, because of copyright issues.

And he is also in the same tuition centre as his classmates, which is really near Taylors( for the better informed, you would know the significance of this). And so it is like school is a little bit more extended. Yay!( he really isnt very normal).

So this is bliss then. It just doesnt get any better than this. Life is absolutely perfect. He guesses the only downside is that it will all eventually come to an end by this year. Yes, he cant imagine life after school. It makes him very sad. But then again its the irony of those extremely happy moments in our lives, that it has to come to an end eventually. Sigh.

But until then, we shall all revel in the existance of Albert that breathes life to this blog, and maybe, just maybe, gives you people out there a little bit of inspiration.

Soo baby, " Im bach!"

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