Saturday, January 06, 2007

Trials and Tribulations

Sean said it best when he said, affectionately, and most of all, most sincerely, : "Why do you have to go now, after we grew attached to you?" For the unacknowledged, lets take things back to the 1st day of school.

It was a Wednesday, and he came too early. It was quite dark. Insects and such were still not finished with their singing. And Albert wasn't done with SMK SS17. It was lingering in his head, telling them the truth, but he didn't want to blurt it out to everyone yet. You know, it was magic, the 1st day of school. In class, suddenly as everyone from 2 months ago(which was an eternity in terms of holidays) flowed into the class, it all seemed soo perfect. It was how it was meant to be. Everyone immediatly stirred up fond memories in Albert's mind, the way he seemed to know them forever, the way they seemed still the same(no matter how much they changed), the way they always acted predictably, always congrous to their personality that Albert knows, and has learnt to love, soo well.

Thursday, was somewhat stressful, the knowledge of his time with them being limited, having lost all control of the Reins of Time. He eventually told a few people. Tess, well she was, quite obviously shaken up about it. Her voice was quivering, and the colour from her face seemed to just drain out(or she just doesnt have any colour), when she would quiz him on it. She didnt seem to be able to accept it.

" Are you sure?"

"Have your parents paid the fees?"

"Your're going this Monday?"

She, as usual, didn't do anything "mushy". Didn't sink it yet Albert guesses. Didn't really sink in with Albert either.

Shereena on the other hand, was almost beside herself with delight when he broke the news to Redreena. Reddy was more sympathetic. Nevertheless, Shereena's feigned sense of amiability still is very much appreciated by Albert. Well, at least it was something.

Boon Han, well his exact words were, "Go lah you, bastard". Translation: "I so desperately dont want you to go, you're a good friend."

Friday creeped up regretably, as it was his last day of school. Today was a tell-all. Lay Yen(prefectorial superior) was angry with him. Yih Ren sympathised. Devan was suprisingly genial, Albert guesses he connected with him. Loges was as usual, full of expletives. When he told Amritha and Dian, Dian seemed somewhat indifferent, but Amritha being her responsible, practicle self, wanted to know if there was a difference with the syllabus, and then asked Albert to see Pn Sarojini about the transfer. She also didnt take it too well being told soo late. When Timothy found out it was his last day, he actually gave him a hug. ??!! Yes, Albert was quite taken aback, this is the same guy that wouldnt let you touch his shirt. Awefully sweet of him. Before school was over, Reddy warned Albert not to forget her. He countered back saying not even when they would be married, he would forget.

"I'll invite you to my wedding," offered Reddy. " "Well if I did get married, which is unlikely, I would definately invite you." assured Albert. She then gave him a nice smile, and told him, somewhat intuitively, "I have this feeling that you will not be going there," and in a very typical fashion , she continued, "So who will be the bride?"

Just as he was walking out of the class, the ever jovial but ignorant Mee Pei, in a most serious tone of voice, said "This Monday, Chinese class, after school, 5sk1." Albert, in an equally serious tone replied " I dont think I can make it." Thats when it really hit home. This is it. Sixth sense or intuition or not, he IS going there, SMK Stella Marris.

After that, he and a couple of friends went to Mc D for lunch, a sombre affair really. Then they went for game of futsal. At least temporarily he could forget all his worries, and concentrate on his testimonial match. Appart from almost having his jaw dislocated by Sam's poweful but inaccurate kick, and also having both legs suffer serious cramps, it was quite fun. They then decided on doing this kinda thing fortnightly, but Albert sensed that this was largely more for his sake than to satisfy their "passion" for football.

Overall, it was a good way to bow out. 3 perfect days, capped by a good football match. But then again, why should he limit himself to just this three days, when theres a whole year of absolute bliss where he belongs? Everything, everyone was beautiful. From Pn Saro to his girl friends, and guy friends, and everyone in between. It was too much, way too much to walk away from prematurely. But it isn't his choice, going to this new school. Nevertheless, he is still very much subject to the whims and fancies of his parents. So what is he to do? He will try to talk himself out of it. He will pull out all the stops. Even is it escalates to a domestic World War lll, it will be worth it, just a shot at getting back to where he rightly belongs.

So, will he make it? Will he win back the most important thing in his life? You just have to keep your eyes peeled on Monday for a tall, dark, handsome Indian guy with a blue blazer roaming the grounds, with a wide stupid smile on his face.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Changing school? My my, you'll be sorely missed. Take care.