Thursday, March 15, 2007

Unforeseen and somewhat far-fetched consequences

Albert 2006: Normal boring prefect.
Albert 2007: Normal boring prefect + English debating zone champion + lead actor, scriptwriter, co-director of English Drama + Vocalist of a band( pending 2 upcoming gigs).
How? Albert has no idea. No idea at all. Debating all started with a simple favor from a friend( he did not even merit his place), and now, he finds his comrades and himself zone champions and currently 2 rounds away from being district champions. Albert has never debated before in his life. But how?
It all also started as a simple favor that Albert offered to help Sean write a script for drama. Thats all. And now with the competition 3 weeks away, he finds himself playing the lead, and co-directing.
It also started as a blog posting(B.E.A.T.S.). He did mention it to his friends rather casually once when they were on an outing, but they laughed at him. And now Timothy, Boon, Evan and Albert will be performing for IU day and quite possibly for the prefect's dinner. But Albert cant sing, so ho- dont ask.
It all started on Tuesday. Last Tuesday. They we're in the final of the Wira cup( zone), and after watching Amar single-handedly tear Seafield apart, you could say they we're abit nervy. But Albert has never seen Shereena( her attire needs no introduction by now) so determined before in their short acquaintance, but she wanted to win badly. Albert prayed Tess didnt read from her cue cards. Suhaib also had to steer clear of silly grammatical mistakes. And EVEN with chief adjudicators who dont know how to ****** flip a coin, and getting the lousier side (the whole topic was lousy anyway), they managed to pull it off. How? Well Amar didnt take part in the final. Why? Thats still a bloody mystery if you ask Albert.
On Wednesday, Albert met his idol, his role model. Mr Sean, his bible knowledge teacher. From the moment Mr, erm, Sean insisted that he was referred to simply as Sean, you knew you were gonna have a good feeling about this dude. This dude, he's about 27, and he took SPM in 2000. And he got the highest in English, no not in his school, not in his state, but in the whole freaking country. You could worship the ground he walks on. He also led his debate team to the State championship. He is currently a producer at 8tv, his credits include Malaysian Idol and One In A Million. He has also brushed shoulders with big name local artistes and the reality show contestants. Just how cool can a person get? And you know what, he is also an aspiring writer, just like yours truly. He also wants to see Albert's work. Fame and fortune beckons from the horizon.
And as for the gigs, well, they needed performances for both IU day and the prefect dinner, and because the band was already there, and they were simply short of a vocalist, Albert sort of offered his services. This was his idea from the beginning to the end. So yeah, he screwed himself over for this one. Its strange though, how a blog posting with a somewhat far-fetched ambition managed to translate into reality. To what extent it actually translates into reality remains nothing more than a fanciful notion( or a blog posting if you will). Just a couple of gigs? Or maybe they could go platinum in album sales. All this without any singing lessons whatsoever.
Then, he ran into some girl problems. CIG(cute Indian girl) A saw something about Albert that she wasnt supposed to see, which she told CIG B which she probably shouldnt have told, and CIG B blew it out of proportion and accused Albert of doing something which he did not do. Albert then explained that what he had indirectly done had inadvertently involved CIG A who did not do what CIG B thought she had done which she just assumed was Albert's fault when it really wasnt. Yup, girl problems are problems wrapped in a paradox encased in an enigma and deserve their place right up there with the great questions of life.
And so here he is. He has to make the drama happen. Pull his team to the district final. And sing. May God be with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

albert! we're gonna be enemies on thursday lol :)