Friday, March 30, 2007

Cure for depression=Beating a private school and almost getting drunk

Losing puts things into perspective. It does. Its amazing how you twist the reality to accept a bummer in life. We totally lost on purpose. We gave it to them. Yeah.
Well, here Albert must thank his fellow debaters, for beating Sri Sedaya. At least they still have Taylors. They are now one step closer to winning it. It was so wonderfully efficient. Albert had the script down to perfection. He pre-empted what the opposition would come up with, and cleverly put it as the last point of their own script, so with all the immaculate timing, just when the opposition thought they had got them with the "uniform within a uniform" thing, Tess banged them back with meritocracy. Albert loves big words. Shereena was super fluent, and as much as Shereena wont admit it, Albert came up with a couple of good last-minute-rebuttals that she used both in her 2nd speaker speech, AND her reply speech.
He also like to thank another girl, and maybe apologise to certain extent to her, because sometimes, its easy to get blindsided when he has a pretty thing in a short skirt, soo much so that he forgets the real friends. The past week has been a real reality check.
Bottomline, SS17 beat Sri Sedaya. Cheers for free education!!
He's sure you're all sick of debating. So we move on to Wai Chun's b-day party( do you have any idea how scary it is walking in 17 at night, especially since a girl got raped near esso not too long ago).
Well, for the benefit of all who didn't make it, Albert shall try to describe the atmosphere to you. It was very Chinese. Only Evan and Albert were non-chinese( and considering the amount of self-depreciating racist Indian jokes Evan rattles off, he might as well be chinese). Owh yeah, Pn Chua was there.
But she was nice, as sporting as a woman of her graceful age would be. There was this semi-truck/stall called Fatman(the chinese are very frank people) Steamboat. There was pasta. And there was also an ice cream box. And, the main draw, alcohol.
There was a lot of fuss about the alcohol, everyone was so obsessed with getting drunk. The top 3 drinkers would have to be Boon Han, Christina, and Wai Chun. For Boon Han, Mrs Tuen(bartender of the day) had a special concoction they called AK-47. Safe to say, Boon survived.
Albert himself had a full shot of Tequila, but the drink didn't live up to the hype. Remember the margarita he shared with Manishya? That had more oomph in it. Of course, that could have been entirely been because of Manishya.
But Albert has to say, the only drawback was that Albert didn't get drunk, nor did anyone else(Boon could've been, but no one would be able to tell the difference).
To celebrate getting over his depression, Albert is gonna down a whole bottle of this strange, black coloured, drink. It doesn't burn your tongue, but it stings it, and on its way down your throat, it gives your this grating sensation, subtle and wholly pleasurable. Then the effects of this burp-inducing concoction of liquid and gasses with a high sugar content will be the only thing he can get high on.

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