Friday, November 24, 2006

Use your imagination

" I open my eyes, and as I take my 1st conscious breath, I see magnificient golden rays of sunlight filtering through the naked windows. Nature's symphony already proceeding with the chirping of birds, far away muffled barking and late insects headed back to their lairs. The tiltating aroma of freshly brewed coffee teases my already pampered senses, as I slip out of my bed in a zen-like state. I am the picture of serenity. Peace is me, and I am peace."

Albert wishes he could say that that is the truth, or that that is only a slightly exaggerated version of the reality. But come on, get real. Its the holidays, Albert's worst time of the year. He knows you all are probably flabbergasted, but really, in Albert's world, holidays are all hype. So here in real life, this is how it really goes.

"I am having a nice dream. Neighbour's stupid mutt wakes me up. I am blinded be the immense amout of light that burns my eyes. I curse the last person who pulled the curtain apart(which incidentally is me). I freak out seeing the cockroach I thought I killed last night on the wall opposite me. I jump out of my bed as I assume that the roach is back with a vengence. I knock over the table and fall to the floor like I'm van Nistelrooy diving for a penalty. I curse the person who put the table there( guess who). I stumble forward, then have my ear drums busted by my mom yelling at me to finish my already cold breakfast. Great, cold, bland coffee my mom's style. The curse is probably working already."


The thing is he misses school, in fact he dreams about his friends almost everday, going back to school on the first day of form 5, and his beloved friends engaging in certain activities in his dream that he was glad he woke up from before it happened. The monotenous repetitve routine during the holidays is starting to drain any bit of life that he has left in him. The cycle of banality is really starting to get to him. Not to mention his mom who is starting to irritate Albert with her lectures, like 10 nails screeching in elaborate zig-zag patterns on a big blackboard, slowly, grating the goo-ey substance that is his brain into thin little strips of pinkish matter, thread by thread.

But Albert remembers the words of a wise man. A wise, obnoxious man. A wise, obnoxious man in a purple dinosaur suit. A wise, obnoxious man in a purple dinosaur suit prancing around in a hit children's show that is way past its sell by date. He says: " Use your imagination." Three powerfull words. "Use your @#%$ imagination" Oops, thats 4.

(Shereena is expecting to be mentioned here, but sorry hon, only thing mildly related to you here is the colour purple, but really, Albert did draw some degree of inspiration from you for this post)

It is mildly disconcerting when one has to resort to taking advise from a man who jumps around excitedly in his airtight purple suit like he just farted in it. But then again, when one is in such dire straits, anything goes. Well, here goes. Lets imagine that the next 42 days of the holidays is not gonna be that bad. Maybe I might just wake up on the right side of the bed(although theres is only one side to get out of from my bed as it is against a wall). Maybe every day might just start out nice, like this:

" I open my eyes, and as I take my 1st concsious breath, I see magnificient golden rays of sunlight filtering through the naked windows. Nature's symphony already proceeding with the chirping of birds, far away muffled barking and late insects headed back to their lairs. The tiltating aroma of freshly brewed coffee teases my already pampered senses, as I slip out of my bed in a zen-like state. I am the picture of serenity. Peace is me, and I am peace."


1 comment:

Sara said...

Your use of the english language continues to astound me. Heck, now not only Germae amazes me ;)