Friday, November 24, 2006

Your perception, is my reality

Perception is reality. Albert firmly believes that. It doesnt matter what the reality actually is, but instead all that matters is what people perceive the apparent reality to be. Albert is feeling a little uneasy lately, mostly because the common, decent perception of him is taking a nose dive. Bad, bad, bad.

Recently, a couple of days before the last day of school, Albert found himself among his friends, having their usual conversation to beat the terrible boredom that is accustomed with end year schooling. Suddenly, as the conversation took a direction he was reluctant to follow, he found himself having to defend a barrage of verbal attacks from his friends, and even in doing soo, still ended up on the losing end. It was as though the characters in his life had staged a mutiny against Albert and his seemingly well orchestrated life revolving around them, and they wanted to dissect his image, and find out the real ugly person inside. They came pretty close.

But a girl got pissed at him. A girl he was close to. You know who you are, you may or may not be reading this, but its meant for you. Albert has already apologised, there isnt much else he can say. So for gawd's sake, would you just forgive this jackass and cease this Cold War between you and him. He did what he did out of pure desperation just to communicate with you. He thinks the world of you, he loves to "entertain" or "bore" you whenever you feel like it. He loves to tell you about Boon Han and Eva Longoria. About the "shaft". About his stupid fascinations of other girls. He loves to listen to your stories, about your cute nieces, whether they're 16 months or 16 years old. Because its YOU! He never got a chance to reply that beautiful testimonial you sent him, mostly because he took you for granted, guess you dont know what you've got till its

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