Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Christopher's party

Before Albert begins on the party, lets start on Thusday yeah? Pn Han was going on about how everyone did badly for addmath, and said that a lot of people failed add math, and Albert immediatly just started bracing himself for the worst, he really wasnt confident after doing the exam. He told himself that if he did pass he would fall to his knees as a heavenly spotlight will fall from the sky and illuminate his face and heavenly music played by angels will fill his ears as tears of joy flow down his cheeks. He really thought he wouldnt pass. But then good old Gao-cant-wait-for-paper-to-be-given-out-Loong decided to do some snooping around brought forth good news. Gao Loong reported that Albert got 46, a pass. Then he started rattling off on other people's marks but that didnt matter, this was the best thing that Gao Loong had ever told him, and he was in delirious ecstasy. Nothing dramatic happened though, as he was talking to Kosheila at the time, and, well, you see, it isnt macho for tears of joy or whatever to happen. When Albert checked out his horoscope after school, it said: "Something will happen to you today, but it should have happened a long time ago." You got that right.
All right. The party. Actually it was a little get together of Chris' friends and his twin sister's friends. It would be nice to say that they met(pun fully intended) in Meeting Point, the restaurant. But no, they all pit-stopped at Tim's before going there. So, Albert shall give you the low down of how they looked.

Amritha, had a typical top. A speghetti strap. Its almost as though as if her wardrobe were full of the exact same tops, just of different colour. She had jeans, and this bag that matched her jeans. Mei Pei looked cute as usual. Shes totally not gonna stay single for long. Redreena were there too. Who you ask? You know, that single entity, who just happen to be in different bodies, Reddy and Shereena of course. Hence, Redreena. They really are soo close, they go everywhere together, do everything together, in fact if they were any closer, they would be able to feel each other's cellular mitosis.

" ooh, your cellular mitosis feels tingly today Reddy!"

"Really?! Must be the vegetable curry I had!!"(shes a vegetarian)

Nothing special about Reddy or Shereena this time, did like the earings, her footwear was some strange sandle with straps all the way up 5 or 6 inches from her heels meeting the end of her slacks. Must be the latest thing to not have slacks go all the way down. Also, one cant help, Albert stresses the "cant help" part, to notice that cleavages are somewhat dipping among girls. Probably reflects their confidence in being able to pull off the outfit. Not that he's complaining.

All right, the party.

So, they all converged at Meeting Point, its by no coincidence that this is John's Aunt's joint. Chris' dad put out Rm 400 bucks for the food, so yeah, the food was free. He had no choice but to sit next to Amritha, and opposite Shereena and Reddy( he can almost hear all your eyes rolling), There wasnt any more spacious place other than there. Notable absentees were Tess-gone to Singapore, and Dian, Amritha saying that she supposedly didnt "feel" like coming, a bit dubious that cover up excuse, or soo it seems, maybe she had some place more important to be.

They had the entire inside for themselves. 4 tables of teenagers. Appoximately 40 people there. They had a nice hearty meal, laughed, joked, talked. Amritha was entertaining conversation as usual, really, the girl really has the gift of the gab, an excellant conversationalist, mostly cause she wont stop. Shereena's loyalty to Reddy has to be commended here, she took exactly what Reddy took, which meant she skipped any meat and had to settle for fried rice only. If it were Albert he really wouldnt give a rat's ass about it, he'd whack all the food in sight. Which is exactly what he did. Its free what!

Then Sam strutted in, fashionably late(not!!), with a gorgeous girl, chinese, but had refined features that would seem like she had a little more than just chinese blood, Eurasian somewhere somehow maybe? Well, she clinged to Sam like anything, he was cordial enough to introduce her, Jo Ling her name, but Albert cant remember if he refered to her as a friend or ......... Well anyways, if she was Sam's, Albert has to say he really scored.

Then there was a buzz among the guys. Could it be for real? No way, THE Mrs Betty was coming over. Albert couldnt believe it. She was the tuition teacher for almost all the Christopher's guy friends that were there, and they would go on and on about how good looking she was, the fact that you had to call her MRS Betty is enough to make you sigh. She strolled in, sunglasses and all, and a blouse, that was soo thin that it would probably float in air, and yeah, it was kinda see-thru. Well, the verdict: She was hot. Pretty too. No wonder she's got a steady stream of students. But of course, she probably can teach as well. Sat next to Albert, making other chinese dudes considerably jealous. Albert did manage to exchange pleasentries and make her laugh a little, but Sean had to always butt in, Albert might as well afford him a little chance too. Sharing is caring.

Then John did the almost unbelievable thing ever. Albert played with the idea of John singing for the crowd when he noticed a karaoke set, but everyone quickly shot down his idea by saying John wouldnt have the guts to do it. Well, they have to eat their words then. John announced that he was going to sing, and wanted everyone to lend their ears(this is a metaphor), which was followed with a pin drop silence, as everyone was considerably suprised. Then they cheered. John asked Christina to stand close to him as it was dedicated to her. Then everyone cheered louder. You see John had talent, but he was shy. And he didnt have Christina. And soo the lyrics to Belaian Jiwa accompanied the music as John serenaded a decent effort for Christina and everyone was beside themselves as this could be right out of a movie. It was cut short as he was nervous and maybe forgot the lyrics. He then did another short snippet from High School Musical without music. Sure it sounds corny, but if you wernt there, you wouldnt have felt the emotion emating straight from his heart, and gosh, if he sang anymore, people would start crying. Christina was noticably uncomfortable, but Albert sincerely hopes, for John's sake, that he can get over her. Not that he cant get her, its just that it doesnt seem that love stories actually have a nice happy ending in real life where the couple end up riding into the sunset........ Then he hugged her at the end, maybe as a show of his jesting, or maybe thats all he could expect from her.

Then there was the traditional candle blowing after the birthday song. Did you know long ago, that it was once considered witchcraft this practice of lighted candles on cakes, then then catholic church banned it, but evidently it has come back. So Albert shall not prolong the suffering of your eyes and end you misery with a quick and abrupt ending, for a lack of better ideas and words of course. Soo, they all were merry and ate, drank, joked and did what teenagers do. Then they left just as the rain started pouring, damn weather. Soo the guys all crashed at, guess where? Tim's house of course!

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