Saturday, August 04, 2007


This week, has been a realisation of the synergy of forces of the universe. The Yin Yang. The two opposite forces that serve to bring the the Universe to its natural balance. Where things come back to the way it was. A return to the origin. Let us unite our energy with the Universe, and meditate upon these soul-lifting, enlightening holy scripts.


Albert is getting installed.


For now he has retired from the prefect board, and come Monday, he will be, get this, sitting in assembly! Whoa! Not just that, he will actually be walking through the spotcheck line!! Double-whoa!! And no more duty. Which means normal recess again! Triple-whoa!!

Let us not get too excited now, calm your inner energy.


Albert honestly thought the next Head would be Geetha, but it turned out to be this tall Chinese guy, the name escapes Albert. According to Pn. Rohaida, the outgoing batch were the best batch of prefects she has had(we're not discounting the possibility that she says this to every batch), but considering how they didn't get too many complaints from the teachers(it is virtually impossible to be complaint-free anyway) you could say they did a pretty good job. That in mind, Mr Hands-Up(as Albert's classmates refer to him as) will have quite a difficult task ahead of him. He doesn't seem to have the personality of Yih Ren, or the ease in carrying the burden-of-command, but then again Yih Ren had more experience. Either way prepare for some serious shit amigo.


Then there is the Interact Installation. How he managed to get in the board in the first place baffles him, albeit it being "just" the Sargent-in-Arms. Who got a cert. Ruffled quite a few feathers him getting cert, since only 4 people get it. So it really is one of the best jobs on the board. You dint have to do much, and you get to say "I told you soo" no matter what the outcome. Plus you get a cert.

His successor happens to be a guy(after some girl disappointed her bra-burning feminist grandmothers by rejecting the post because it was a "guy job") who, has a pretty face. Who said you have to be intimidating to hold this post anyway? Speaking of the successors, the new board is, well, not bad. They are of course, still wet behind the ears, with the usual indignity of trying to prove they can outdo or at least equal the outgoing board's success, on their own. They'll master the learning curve no doubt, once they work on the communication, execution(go on, laugh at the double meaning), organization etc etc. This is because the Installation Day they organized was a reflection of the aforementioned attributes(or the lack of it). Well at least they topped Shanon's batch during their Installation, which had a turnout of a grand total of 2 guests. This time around well, lets just say Albert contributed to 25% of the attendance on that day by calling Gao Loong , and 2 guests made it for the final 10 minutes of the thing.

Of course, you could put it down to sheer bad luck, as they found out much too late that SU's Installation was on the same day, and people generally prefer to go to events organized by the Interact Club with the "Largest Membership in the World" than, ahem, SS17's "very fun" Interact Club. So in all fairness, there would be little difference had the outgoing board organized it. "Little" is open to interpretation here.

But thumbs up anyway to the new President Evan Morris, who seems to be able( or at least gives the impression) to control his board members. For a prime example, he managed to shut Tess up when she annoyed him. And Albert is sure that you will agree with him that that is no easy task.

Mankind -1

Tess -0

And then he did it again(or soo Albert heard)

Mankind -2

Tess -0

This guy is awesome. But then again they were all stressed out, and naturally, people tend to get each other's nerves. No worries though, Tess will catch up soon.

And thus ends the cycle of events, where we come back to the beginning, the balance is achieved again, the Universe is unfolding as it should, and normalcy rules. As usual.



Anonymous said...

I can think of a dozen nice things to say, but what the hell. That was about as sharp as a spoon, I think its the destination of every blogger to somehow document and file instances that are so cryingly superfluos that it makes you want to punch them (the posts (or is it?)) in the face. What you've done is you've taken your blog and cuffed her down to your bedpost, and instead of raping her, where it matters most, you've left the room to go wax the ol' gun barrel yourself in the bathroom! I know you have this affinity towards things that happen in school, but you've gotta learn the difference between a blog and an advertorial travelogue. You write stuff that only a certain highly targeted group of interesting people can relate to, from what I've gleaned, Tess, Sherina, and Bong sth, Timothy wtvr... Write shit that the whole world can read and relate to, without having to hire a private dick to secretly spy on you so that they can learn who your friends are, what they've done to piss you off, and how you guys stiched and made up. Hate the way your blog begins with the whole new agey universe and then suddenly zooms into a random shithole we call school. Dont wanna harsh your mellow, but you got to clean your clocks man. I really like your penmanship, your grievous post where you gave the disclaimer upfront, the one you had to delete, because some gay bitch got traumatised.I mean, you're the one who introduced me to MAddox. YOu are welcome to blog here: blog (dot)internetcashmonster (dot)com . Its the best script i found for blogs, and get this, you can have more than 1 user account there. I'm planning to set up abt 3-4 users (me included). It'll be the best damn thing, because you get so much more exposure and hits, plus, you can commercialise it to earn monays at the same time.

Sara said...

since you ain't in the prefect borad any longer, i dot feel bad telling you that the spotcheck lineis really 'THE WALK OF SHAME';D