Thursday, August 16, 2007


At the current time of this posting, it is exactly 2 weeks before Malaysia celebrates her 50th birthday. And she is one unhappy menopausal b****.

Have you heard of the furore surrounding the rather cheeky video posted by this plump(and talented) chinese guy from Johor? If somehow you managed to not notice the tsunami like ripple effect caused by this video in the Malaysian blogosphere, go and redeem whatever pride you may still have left in you here-

Please dont be a smart ass and try to continue reading on without checking out the video. Do it for your sake.

Now this guy, parodied Negaraku(Negarakuku), with subtle(and not so subtle) references to Malaysian culture. Its a nice anecdote to all the hoo-ha about Malaysia and Merdeka, 50 years, fuelled by the millions of dollars in taxpayers' money going into generating this hype. Then comes along this little video that eclipses all the pretentious bull revolving around you by injecting a good dose of reality into your collective consciousness. Of course, its not like you dont already know all this shit happening in your society. Its just that its not always that such things are discussed in open. Especially in this delicately balanced, harmonious multiracial country. Everything from currupt policemen to Bumiputra rights to the Azan prayers to government servents. Admittedly, its quite a professional video. The rapping isnt too bad either. Looks nice. Of course, not everyone took to it too kindly.

Fellow Malaysians share their thoughts in an intellectual discourse over Youtube:

zaki..pukimak kau..u balik pergi puki mak kau yg busuk itu..u ingat ini u punya tempat ka..ya betul..tempat babi sial berzina..sebiji macam u punya muka pantat tapir itu...melayu tau bunuh saja..tengok pemandu bas tg sudah mati macam cibai bunuh berapa org..kaum apa pula itu..u punya kaum tau..pukimak punya org
And there are the bold predictions-
all chinese listen if namewee(author of video) dies..blame it on malays and islam...we just wait and see how they gonna to do
Of course there are the incredibly wise ones-
maybe wong is correct too, umno sure fucked up big time, too many corruption in there. good example, some young umno ass propose to make mat rempit as mat cemerlang, fuck this shit man, i dont see where those jibai fuckers rempit can be damn fucking cemerlang

Then there is Misson Impossible 4-

BeePee tak payah balah dgn org jahil lagi bangang macam Chinesevictory. Buang masa ja. Kita sekarang perlu hapuskan Namewee(his real name must be rather boring) tu. Hantar spy kita ke taiwan
WOW are you crazy PIN876!!??..real LIFE??!!Why you keep your eyes on me all the time??Are you the UMNO's undercover????

Brilliant orators-

I will fry your penis with your grandma pussy water,and feed you until your lampa blow up,hahahaha
Hamkafukuai punya honkan

A proud owner of impressive anatomy-

saya punya penis 30inchies maa,mahu cuba???mari saya main punggung awak,tolong saya hisap penis dan sya diao mulut awak sampai tembak sperma keluar dari lubang punggung awak,hahahaa....!!

The slight generalizations-

fuck to all chinese people in mlaysia!!! lets KILL THE ALL...!!!!! they are stupid like their god....PIG!!!

Some self-rightoues idiot trying to spoil the fun-

pls guys, pls refrain from using obscene word... This issue is more towards whether malaysian malays should have any special privileges....

Occasionly, someone manages to comment in proper English-

I like the positive spin on the social and political observation on the malay and non malay culture. You should take pride being a Malaysian. To be a sucessful nation, it takes a lot of tolerance, patients, compassion, forgiving and understanding to co exist. Not many nations in this world are able to achieve that

To top all this patriotism off, Albert found out he got NS. Which is going to clash with his exchange program is he manages to ace the interview with the Ambassador of the US to Malaysia. Wonderful country this.

And just how is he going to impress the ambassador about how he wants to represent Malaysian culture?

sakitgigi,u pergi tuang Coca-cola ke dalam lubang ccohai nenek awak,lepas itu ambil straw dan hisap minum Coca-cola cibai nenek,taruk kaki kau ke dalam dubur datuk kau dan korek berak keluar,hahahaha

Oh boy.


Anonymous said...

From what I see you're quite the closed minded young fellow who just wants to talk alot of nonsense and just go with the flow just because it is causing a spark in Malaysia .

Whether I agree or not with what the video contained , it is a subjective matter of whether we need to take the contents into account or not .

Considering that he's a pretty young student that is probably fooling around , none of it should be taken seriously , but at the same time you should think about the effects of something like this to our national stability

you wouldn't want something like this to cause an unnecessary stir up in our currently ' peaceful ' so to speak , living conditions .

Everyone has their own perceptions to these sort of things , there are the handful that just take it with a pinch of salt , and some that trip over it like there is no tomorrow .

But whether or not they are behaving like that is not for you to insult or condemn . Some of them are just probably stupid ? bored ? nothing to do and probably lame as you would refer to them . But some may have a point when they are against this video .

I'm purely ' okay ' with the fact that he's going for all the racial issues and etc , but to touch on religion is not something I would agree upon .

Anyhow , I would suggest to you to not talk openly about issues like these as you have the most minimal understandings of issues like these and i'm sure you wouldn't want to end up in trouble as well eh?

So from now on , when it comes to politics , leave it to the moron's in Parliament and Jeff Ooi and co.

Sara said...

You know, it never really occured to me that this would be SUCH abig issue. I have nothing to say, really. But it was a funny rendition of describing the video :)