Saturday, October 28, 2006

Simply put-Sean's Party

Life in itself is meaningless. Your's, Albert's, just inconsequential. Like imprints on the Sands of Time, to be eventually ebbed away for other imprints. Even so, you can take solace in the fact that there will be short moments in your life that will be a class above the rest of your piteous and banal existance. Yesterday, was one of those moments in Albert's life. Maybe a little dramatic, but hey, cut him some slack, he ain't got much of a life.
Still, it was very special. To give you some of the highlights, Shereena ask him the meaning of another word, Reddy willingly let him stare at her breast(ok, ok! CHEST), Tim-Wen made out and owh yeah, Albert kissed a girl for the first time in his life. Here are the lucid details-
It all started when he entered Sean's house. Huddled in the living space outside his home, were Tim-Wen, Boon, Tess, Amritha, Dian, Chris Teh, and Sean. JT, Micheal, and Sam were sweating over the barbeque. Aha, no wonder the meat tasted a little too salty. Well all these people, crammed in that small space, was his entire world, well at least half his world, cause there were still a few people who wern't there yet. But they don't know, prolly never will know how much they mean to him. They welcomed him, he grabbed the food instead(hey, friends are forever, food isnt).
He joined them as they were in the middle of their meals, being merry, Tim was back at his comic best, although a little bit distracted by wen. Albert's eyes danced upon everyone, Tess was always fashionable, Amritha almost predictably in black, and Dian seemed to be donning something typical, generous with the skin, but the effect has sort of worn off. As he was in a tussle with his meat, Boon gestured to the gate after annoucing Sher and Anu's arrival in a whisper, then loudly, shouted: " eh! leng loi!!" Damn, very leng loi indeed.
As his mouth feasted on the meat, his eyes feasted on Reddy, the appetizer, then the main course, Shereena in an almost over the top dress ending in the middle her thighs. Its a pity tho, if she had seriously high heels, those legs would be gorgeous. And so it was, seated on his right, Dian, left, Reddy and Shereena, and almost immedietly, he lost his appetite for the food, for he had something else to feast on now.
Then there was the games. The first one was rather interesting, maybe a little violent. They all formed a cicle(it seems this is the most popular shape). Then they were supposed to grab the weapon, an intimidating newspaper rolled so thickly and covered in plastic, upon doing so, they had the liberty to whack someone with it. Albert got whacked by Boon, who did a decent job, but soon after Albert showed him the proper way to do it, it was sweet revenge indeed. And then an absurd game ensued, not really worth mentioning.
Owh, then the cake cutting part. Heavenly ice cream cake. Gulped down his champagne, which only heated him up. Then the best part, they had little game of truth or dare.

The lights dimmed, and they crowded into a circle(again! circle! what's wrong with triangles or squares huh?!)
The empty champagne bottle was in the centre, it was spun, and the game began. Gao Loong after much deliberating, asked Dian whether she had done her Add math homework after Dian chose Truth. Yeah, nice one Gao Loong. Albert was waiting for the bottle to point his way, but it just did not want to. Instead, they had Boon doing a semi-striptease after absolutely refusing to take ALL his clothes off, a dare by Tess(yeah, figures). And then Micheal did a little jig with Reddy, but Albert was getting bored by now. Then came Sher’s turn to spin the bottle. Yeah, all it took was that special touch, and the bottle stopped pointing at him. He let out a scream, for he was really waiting for this moment. Oooooh, and Shereena didn’t disappoint. “Truth or Dare?” she asked. He picked dare, cause he would have lied his way out of Truth anyway. She thought for a while, but it was almost as though she already had it in her mind, it was quite a fantastic idea. Their eyes locked for a while, as everyone dropped silent. “Except me, pick someone of the opposite sex and kiss her. Owh yeah, she has to be special." They looked at each other for a little while more, as he was struck by the irony of her emphasis of a special girl. The crowd went into raptures, for this is what makes the game what it is. Just to exact a measure of revenge, he would have willingly French kissed her for daring him in the first place, but she had already exempted herself. There were random, predictable names strewn out from all the deafening noise, he ignored them all, they weren’t much of a help. He had to think fast, and quickly he ruled out everyone that he could ill afford to kiss. He couldn’t give them their satisfaction, so all Indian gals were ruled out, besides there would be endless taunting. Just for kicks, he gave Tess a hard stare, “You know this look,” he teased. Boy, the expression on her face was worth a million bucks. A weird look of horror and disgust manifested itself in a twisted face, vigorous head shaking, and almost “pleading for mercy” lips. That was fun. Well it was down to business now. It was really a no brainer, Wen was the only one that he could get away with kissing. Besides, Tim already gave him his approval. Just a quick peck, but wen kinda had her eyes shut soo tightly, like she was expecting him to land it on her lips or something.
Well, the rest just pales in comparison with that kiss. But he suspected Sher was engaging in some sort of phone sex on a more suble context. Well, it might seem like he's taking some sort of revenge on her thru this blog, but he has evidance. She kept dissapearing with her phone, and then she asked him how to spell "middie". It was supposed to indicate the length of her skirt( it was until the middle of her thigh). And then she proceeded to type furiously on her phone. Now, you tell him, isn't it mildly odd that she should be descriptive of her clothes(or lack of it) thru sms? For her sake, I hope its not some sick dude on the receiving end, but its prolly nothing. He just wanted to bring that up to piss her off.
And soo, the rest of the party proceeded with with tim-wen making out, prolly making sure any traces Albert left on her was wiped away with "lurrrve". Shereena also asked him what "emulate" meant, this time it wasn't cute, it was a dumb question. C'mon Shereena!! Emulate damn it!! How can you NOT know?!! Yeah, still trying to piss her off. He also had the chance to gaze at Reddy's bre -chest, chest! On the pretext of taking a closer look at this chinese character imprinted there. Then the present opening time. Everything from chocolates to weird mug like thingys and shirts. Of course, the best part was the football boots, it was a Nike. Lucky S.O.B. . He got a somewhat mysterious cd from Albert, the only thing that retained its anonymity once the wrappers were torn off. Albert told him to check it out ALONE. Go figure.
And soo the party ended. He was sad. Then Reddy and Shereena left. He was even more sad. Boon Han, fresh from a Need for Speed race with Brandon( Sean's 10 year old bro) which he took soo much pride in FINALLY beating, beckened to Albert, as boon's mom was here. He put on his shoes, put the shoelaces in his pocket(blame the stupid game which wasn't mentioned here). He got in the car, and ruefully acknowledged that this "moment" has finally come to a full CIRCLE( damn! another circle).

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