Saturday, October 28, 2006

2 guys, 2 gals and an Asia Cafe

Gosh, today was fun. Reddy absolutely insisted he went to Asia Cafe, despite his protestations of having a board meeting, and not knowing where or what asia cafe was(yeah, got a lot of omg's from people when he told them that). But Reddy always had her way. Actually it was just going out on the occasion of Shereena's birthday that gave him 2nd thoughts about joining them. Believe it or not, it was close to 3 years of being classmates with her yet he did not ever had a conversation with her, and she blocked him on msn after learning of his identity, also her ex-friend convinced him that she hated him, soo there you have it, all laid out the reasons why he had 2nd thoughts about the whole thing. But Reddy, how much Albert owes you, not just for the tie, but this too, and he really appreciates it. Today he mustered up the courage to wish Shereena happy birthday, and would you know it, she didnt morph into a monster and gobble him up. She thanked him. Dont blame him, he was running thru all the worst case scenarios in his head already, just proud that he actually broke the cold, hard ice with her. She didnt hate him after all.

After much walking, he finally reached Asia cafe. Ate this English dish, disguised as a jamaican one, sold by a Pakistani dude, truly diverse alright. Then the walking back home part was quite candid. Yeah, when your're sitting down trying to finish your food, nothing interesting really happens. Soo he managed to interject a lil conversation with Sher in the midst of a wacky Reddy who was at her over-the-top delirius best. Shereena was friendly, until they teased each other. Reddy almost squeezed the muscles out of his arm when they crossed the road. But he didnt mind. Somehow Shereena wasnt in any rush to go to Mr. Nada's tuition, quite the contrary to Reddy, maybe Mr Nada is good looking to her, c'mon, hes only like 78 years old. She has a real problem rolling her "r"s Shereena, very cute when she tries to. She asked him what "ambiguos" meant, which he gladly obliged to explain to her, after all, its not always people ask you what a word means, most of the time they nod and pretend they know what it means. Very messy isnt it, not really going anywhere this post, literally random thoughts that pop into the mind. But read on.

Then came the juction where they had to part, then he had to follow Sean home to get his bag. Before he left tho, he had a lil heart to heart conversation with Sean, found out some pretty interesting stuff about him, Sean pobably found out some interesting stuff bout him too.
But lets keep that between Sean and Albert.

As he waits on tomorrow to come, maybe bringing with it more interesting conversation's with people he's hoping to continue speaking to, he would have to part with his dear reader now. Theres tonnes of things he should be doing, instead of aimlessly typing away at this blog. So there you have it, an important historical day in the pages of Albert Kamahlendra's life, for today, he finally, spoke to Shereena.

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