Thursday, December 13, 2007

Have I ever told you, one thing leads to another?

Now, Albert isn't absolutely familiar with the entire concept of karma, because its not just about what you see in My Name is Earl, but it also involves reincarnation among other religious stuff. But what Albert is sure is that there definitely is some sort of Devine Energy or Power if you will that the universe wields that forces a certain Balance upon us mere mortals. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. See, even physics would lead you to the same conclusion.

This particular revelation came unto Albert as he talking to the US ambassador, after being interviewed by 8TV, surrounded by the press.

It would be the sequence of events that led to this moment, all starting with losing the Taylors semifinal debate. You see, had they won that day, they would be in the finals, which means a guaranteed scholarship or at least 50% off for any pre-u course. Consequently, Albert would have to give up his US opportunity as it clashed with the Taylors intake and the scholarship, so certainly, if he had to choose between education and the USA, he would have to pick the former.

As much as they deserved to be in the final, it felt as though it was robbed from them due to, uh, unforeseen circumstances. As such, missing out on the fruits of Albert's ass busting labour, including the glory+monetary benefits, the Powers That Be decided to even things out, you know compensate(plus Albert got NS, so this is long overdue).

Resulting in this moment, as Albert stands on the threshold of fame and stardom. That 8TV guy, from quickie, a newbie, was interviewing him with the whole crew and camera as well as the other teenage "ambassadors". And apparently, they will come in spring to the selected homes of a few of them in the program to film these exchange students, and document their life, compiling it into a series. Yes, a TV show, a SERIES. It will go on air late next year after the program is over, and fingers crossed, Albert might just be in it.

Meeting the ambassador after this seemed merely a side show. Nevertheless, it was very VIP-ish to meet the Representative of Mr Bush who was cordial and took the effort to talk to all the students. He even made it seem like they were the VIPs and not him, welcoming them for another visit, before leaving reluctantly. Albert thinks he's going to like Americans alot.

Maybe this Ambassadors of Peace thing is not too bad. He could very well get used to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG.. juz looking at these pictures can make me miss u guys even more!