Sunday, July 01, 2007

Viva la Interact (pfft!)

You remember when you found out that Sean was the President of Interact? Yeah, there were many mixed feelings alright. Some of us froze in shock, some of us prophesied that doom shall befall the Interact Club of SS17 and some of us, well, thought it was a joke.

Albert fell into the latter category.

But hey, Sean did alright didn't he?


Yesterday marked the end of the reign of Sean and his crew of board members as the people at the helm of the Interact Club of SS17. It was almost a relief, you know, like finally, this cursed tenure is over. "Here, its your turn to suffer." That kinda thing. And Albert supposes that the incoming board think they have it all set out for them, all they have to do is go one better than the outgoing board. Piece of cake. Whats the worst that could happen? Haha, the young and naive, so naive.

Well, there was about 20+ people at Neesha's house on that Saturday. Albert arrived with Boon of course(they seem to go everywhere together huh?) to a hoard of hungry people. Well maybe it was just Tess, but when the pizza arrived, it was as though a famine had just ended. Hungry teenagers are quite a sight.

Alright. There isn't much to say. Look the party wasn't exactly happening. Sean and the band members were suppose to perform, but Abel bailed out with the drums. So no performance. Not even the acoustic songs. The next best thing was probably the games. So here goes...

There was this thing where if you didn't react fast enough, you have to eat this sushi thing, which there was supposedly a 50-50 chance of picking a sushi with wasabi in it. Now, Albert has heard tons of stories of this wasabi thing, its suppose to be THE spiciest thing in the culinary universe(well going by the way they talk about it, it must be). Being someone who enjoys pushing his bowels to the limit with spicy food, he had his hopes high. So when he did actually eat one, well it was spicy. But if it really had wasabi in it, he would be quite disappointed. That sushi was about as lethal as apple pie. So he just hopes that that wasn't the one with the wasabi in it, so at least he will have the hope that maybe one day, he will eventually face off against the real wasabi.

Then before the truth or dare game, a couple of board members descended into a heated argument about how the weight of the water bottle might affect the number and duration of the spins. Physics concepts were flung at each other in a heated discussion, about the factors affecting the damn bottle, everything from light intensity to humidity to pressure to the downward gradient of the ground. God knows why they didn't just spin the damn bottle. But Pn Chong K. L. would have been soo proud.

Well, the highlights was Boon kissing *** ***( again here the two people who have an inflated sense of their mastery of English decided to have a go at each other)

" Its give a smack on the cheek!"

" No its a peck!"

"No a smack is to hit!"

Alright kids. When will they learn not to *&%#-ing correct each other's English? Its incredibly annoying.
Lets just ask Merriam-Webster alright?
Main Entry:
transitive verb
1: to close and open (lips) noisily and often in rapid succession especially in eating
2 a: to kiss

There, happy now? There really should be a law against this.

So he did smack, oops, PECK, or like how the rest of the world refers to it as, he KISSED Meepei on the cheeks.

Then there was the little part where Albert had to kiss Boon's foot.

Then the Grammar cop had to harness her ego to cough out 10 things that Timothy was better than her at. Timothy let her stop at 5. Sigh.

Well the Oreo cake was heavenly(interestingly juxtaposed to the scene around it). They sang to tune of the birthday song(because the interacters don't know the Interact song, which is like the Interact Anthem) and this moment of ultra lameness probably encapsulates the whole tenure of the outgoing board members and the Interact Club in general. But Albert cant possibly imagine doing it with any other bunch of wacky board members. You just cant do it like how SMK SS17's Interact Club does it.
And then Evan, the new president, in unforeseen wisdom, so very aptly spelled out Interact to the loud approval of the members-


And thats something only our Interacters get.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont get what if it was a joke when Sean becomes a president of the Interact Club..honestly, are you even laughing at that matter? Could you have done better than him if you were the President or are you just gonna use your Superbly and Bombastic English Language so that others might think of you as a true President (ohh please blackie..oppss sorry didnt mean to offend you)..So what if Tess was the only hungry Barbarian dont have to point out directly at her and make others think that she's a least she aint being a PRETENTIOUS (im really sorry if this word is a non-existant word OH GREAT ENGLISH GURU) assholes like other girls who only dine on salad when they're at a buffet..Agree? Oh by the way Kamahlendra, stop bragging bout how great you are..stop bragging bout how good you are in your english language..Its starting to get annoying..Doesnt mean that this blog is your so-called room of thoughts it gives you the freedom to just voice out and offend others as well..want to know what is offensive??..I personally thought that you were one of those Macha,Indian-Curry, Minyak Sapi and Ghee smelled asshole who takes a kapchai bike and roam in the cities of where Minachi lives..Never did like you because you're, well really really dark..Now as you can see that this is really offensive and I have the freedom to spit it out but i chose to shut up (until i cant stand you bragging and being an offensive asshole) because it might hurt your feelings...So please,just play nice when your blogging whatever shit down aight because to you its Freedom of Speech (or so it seems) but to others, its just one of your freaking insulting blog once more and of course its a turn off isn't it when everyone is beginning to talk behind your back just because of your OFFENSIVE blog..well anyway im done with this,take care then..will check on your next blog...ciaoz blackie with really white teeth (now thats a compliment)..hahahaha

*oh since you believe in freedom of speech, i hope you dont delete this comment of mine but let others read my own personal space of thoughts..because if you do, lets just say that your embarrassed for the fact that your an insulting jerk..ciaoz

*sorry for the bad english OH GREAT ENGLISH GURU*