Monday, December 11, 2006

Senior's party

Yeah, Albert knows what your're thinking. Another party. But hey, Manishya asked him to go, and you really dont say no to a gal like that.

Alright, straight to the main event shall we. Well, the weather was predictably overcast. He did some walking before entering the lobby of Lakeview Club. He was already going over all the superlatives he was gonna use to describe the girl that would be waiting at the reception. He found out later that it really wouldnt matter.

He strolled in, hoping he didnt walk into the wrong building, considering his terrible sense of direction, then he saw Shannon, who gave him his ticket. Manishya's familiar voice came from somewhere telling him to have a seat at the lobby , he didnt really notice her, alredy making his way to the lobby. He sat heavily, and was suddenly overcome with nervousness.

As he was playing with his handphone, he glimpsed a pair of gorgoues legs sprouting from 3 inch heels, he looked up to see the owner of those legs. He didnt deserve the sight, but there it was, in all her glory, fitted into a tight, tiny black, glittery dress. She flashed him a smile, he looked on stupefied. Time grinded to a halt, his heart skipped a beat(maybe more), white noice filled his brain, it was as tho the very spirit of every male that ever acknowledged the highest form aesthetic beauty that is the female culminated in this very moment, this blip in the fabric of time through all eternity. With such a burden on Albert's back to express this into a sentence that includes adjectives and superlatives that was due to the Godsent creature in front him, what does he say?


Inspirational indeed.

So as he tried patheticly to make conversation while his mind was still in a state of flux, people filled the room, and finally Albert too went into the room, just feeling the blood finally flow back into his brain. As he entered the room, the song "Promiscuos" was playing in the background. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand.( refer to previous post "Take The Lead, Please; about dancing)

As people were filling up the room, he started to feel somewhat out of place being the only 4th former. Then Raveen provided some much needed company. He appreciated that. Then the DJ announced that the food was ready to be savaged, and he dint have to say twice. So Albert ate, exchanged pleasentries while at it, and got brutally attacked by 2 man utd fans, Ashvin and Manishya. Its true what they say, a man is at his weakest when he is full. Well, all you Man Utd fans, I'll tell you, it wont be long before Chelsea climb back on top, that's for SURE.

And then, the dance floor opened. And so he joined everyone in on the dancefloor, only after Manishya dragged him out there. The lyrics were full of colourful language, strange analogies or metaphors(milk the cow, milkshake, humps) and other more, ahem direct ones. But hey, its about the music right?

Eventually he broke away from the crowd and huddled in a corner. He then spotted a gal sitting behind this barlike longish table with a high stool. She was cute. He told himself that if he had the balls he'd just be able to walk up to her and strike up a conversation with this gal who was seemingly bored. He forgot about her as he followed Manishya to the bar, she was getting herself a Margarita, and it was interesting to watch the bartender doing his stuff. Then, following her, he went to the exact place where the gal was sitting, and sitting between him and the gal was Ashvin. In front of Albert was Manishya, whom he was sharing the drink with. It was too strong for him, and considering it was a "ladies" drink, he cant imagine what a "macho" drink would taste like.

Then Ashvin and Manishya scooted off to the dance floor, and it was only him and the gal there. For a while he didnt say anything, just soaking in the atmosphere. Then their eyes met. She smiled at him, and he returned the gesture. And the rest they say, is history. They introduced each other, her name was Trishantini. And they made what little conversation they could with the music blazing, making it hard to even think. And she asked for his number.



Whatever man, who da man, who da man??!!

After that, the atmosphere started to mellow, and it was midnight already. People started to leave. People were taking pictures. He took one with Manishya.

And then, he had to leave. But before, he took a look, just one last look, at you-probably-know-who.

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